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Is Cryptocurrency A Worthy Investment To Consider?

The risks and benefits to know before you invest in crypto

Cryptocurrency is all the rage these days, with terms like crypto millionaires and NFTs (non-fungible tokens) on everyone’s lips. Since most people like quick cash, investing in crypto is something we might have considered.

In this article, we explain what exactly Crypto is, its risks and benefits, and whether you should invest in it. If you are looking to make some quick cash to either pay loans or increase your net worth, crypto could be an option.

What is Cryptocurrency?

A cryptocurrency is a form of payment that can be exchanged online for goods and services. The most famous of them is Bitcoin, which was invented in 2009 by an anonymous person. It works via blockchain technology, which transmits data and records transactions. Also, cryptocurrencies are decentralised, which means they are outside the authority of governments and banks.

Many companies, including a few Singaporean ones such as and StraitsX, issue their own cryptocurrency, also called tokens, which can be used to buy goods or services that the said company provides. There are currently more than 10,000 different cryptocurrencies being traded publicly. All cryptocurrencies also have the same value in every country and there are no exchange rates.

How can you hold Cryptocurrencies?

There are three main ways to hold cryptocurrencies. All involve having a “wallet”, which is an account that holds your crypto.


Firstly, you can hold them on exchanges such as Binance or Coinbase. On such platforms, you will be issued a “hosted wallet”, so-called because these platforms hold the wallet.

Non-custodial wallet

A “non-custodial” wallet allows you to have full control over your crypto. The downside is that if you lose your password, the wallet is gone forever.

Hardware wallet

Unlike the previous two options, a “hardware wallet” is a physical device the size of a thumb drive that stores your crypto. The upside is that you cannot be hacked since this is offline, with the downside being an inconvenience.

How do you make money out of Cryptocurrencies?

Much like stocks, the value of your portfolio increases when the price of the crypto token/s you hold rises, and vice versa. In other words, you make money when you sell the crypto tokens at a profit.

Cryptocurrency risks

As with all investments, there are risks. Crypto is known to be more volatile than stocks or gold, which is why it would be good to keep a healthy capital at bay so that you may buy more when it drops and sell when it’s at a higher price.

No sure-win crypto token

Although there are many established tokens with reputable companies behind them, the market is very competitive, with many tokens getting unlisted every few months. If you happen to hold such tokens, you lose all their value.

Vulnerability to hacks and criminal activities

For example, if your crypto is stored on an exchange, hackers can hack into your account and transfer your assets to their accounts. You may or may not be able to recover your crypto tokens — some are traceable while others are untraceable.


These tokens are often either hyped-up to offer extremely good services, such as giving you a percentage of their earnings, or entice you to invest by a tactic called “pump and dump”. “Pump and dump” happens when a token suddenly rises many times in value, attracting you to buy at an already high price. Once enough people buy at a said high price, the manipulators will “dump” the price by selling all their tokens, leaving you at a great loss. You may end up needing to pay loans that you have borrowed to buy such tokens looking for quick cash.

Cryptocurrency benefits

Many see cryptocurrencies as the currency of the future. We may end up using coins like Ethereum or Bitcoin to pay our monthly bills, or to procure certain products or services. Hence, buying these coins may be considered a long-term investment.

Get cash quickly

There is indeed such a thing as making quick cash. In May 2020, Bitcoin’s price was about USD 9,500. In May 2022, it was hovering around the USD 31,000 mark, though, in July 2022, it went down to around USD 19,000. Many coins have grown exponentially over just a few days, such as DogeCoin, which often pumps dramatically due to a tweet from billionaire and Dogecoin fan Elon Musk.

Advancing technology

The technology behind crypto, blockchain, is also why many people believe in digital currency. This technology is touted to be able to revolutionise industries from shipping to gaming. Having many believers and potential, many investors believe that cryptocurrency is not a fad and will only become more important as time goes on.

High liquidity

Some cryptocurrencies have high liquidity. This means that you can sell or buy them very quickly at market price. For example, if you need money to pay loans, you can simply liquidate your tokens for fiat, which is a term for real-world money.

Should You Invest In Crypto?

It depends if it is within your means. It is important to remember to never invest more than what you could comfortably afford to lose.

Investing in crypto can be an option to diversify your portfolio, which is always a good thing. This is especially true if you believe in the technology behind the tokens that you buy, and also that crypto usage will become more widespread as time goes by. However, do take note that the MAS discourages the general public from engaging in cryptocurrency trading as it is “highly risky”.

Bent on snagging some tokens right now but lack the funds? You might want to consider borrowing a relatively small sum from Galaxy Credit, a 24-hour money lender in Singapore. Our loan applications can be submitted at any time of the day, which is followed by an in-person interview for verification and loan approval. We’re an authorised money lender in Singapore that provides a variety of loans with attractive interest rates. If a loan is what you’re looking for in your Crypto journey, we’re here to help. As it stands, nobody said you have to invest a tonne of money into cryptocurrency for potentially big wins!


About the Author
Weetee Neu

Weetee Neu is a writer based in Singapore. He has written for MediaCorp, SPH magazines, Tripzilla and others.


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